Going from 30 Job Applications to Only 2 and Landing a Remote Position [Case Study]


After 6 weeks of working with The Remote Job Coach, Katelyn landed a full-time remote position that gave her the flexibility to transition out of her living situation and move to a completely different state -- a goal of hers for some time!


Before working with Jordan, Katelyn had submitted about 35-40 online applications, cold, and barely hearing anything back.

She never worked with a coach before and had no idea how valuable it was going to be to have someone there to hold her accountable, keep her on track every week, and check-in to help remove roadblocks.

During her time working with Jordan, she began focusing on quality over quantity and building relationships instead of just applying online randomly.

Through the education in The Road to Remote Accelerator, she learned the importance of having sponsors at companies and it completely transformed the way she searched for remote jobs. She only applied to two jobs during her time with Jordan -- landing one of them through a referral.

She was impressed with how friendly and communicative Jordan was during the program and highly recommends his services!

Note: While many students of The Remote Job Coach have success in their job searches, individual results may vary. It is ultimately up to the individual to work hard to obtain their results with guidance from Jordan.

Set up a Free Remote Job Strategy Session here to see if it's a good fit to work with The Remote Job Coach:


You can’t assume your past implies anything when you’re applying to a new company


Getting Way More Remote Job Interviews with The Remote Job Coach [Case Study]