How 5 of My Clients Landed Remote Job Interviews Last Week

Client is killing it on interviews

Not only did they have interviews, but everyone either advanced or are awaiting offers.

I've noticed one consistent quality in every successful client I've worked with:
Commitment to their potential future.

  1. They commit to their outcome fully despite uncertainty.

  2. They believe it's possible even if they didn't before.

  3. They take action consistently, regardless of setbacks.

People "fail" because their commitment to their current situation is stronger than their commitment to their potential future.

Remember, you're always committed to something.

Are you committed to your job search but just need some direction?

If you open your laptop without knowing what to do, a job search can be one of the most frustrating and procrastination-prone activities. Hop on a free remote job strategy session with me to gain some clarity on what's going wrong and how you can right the ship.


How to Use LinkedIn for Networking (3 Step Strategy)


What Not to Do on LinkedIn (5 Networking Mistakes)