Switching Industries and Landing a Remote Job Without Even Applying [Case Study]


Kelly didn't even apply to land a remote job. The one and only company she targeted with help from Jordan Carroll, The Remote Job Coach, was the company she received an offer from (all in the matter of a few weeks of strategic planning and execution)!


Kelly felt confused and lost not knowing how to target her approach for a remote position. Coming from a chaotic environment, she craved the stability of a position at a company that would appreciate her decade of high-performing sales experience. However, by dramatically switching industries, she knew it was going to be a challenge.

By working with Jordan Carroll, The Remote Job Coach, Kelly was able to really understand her value. She gained the confidence to really articulate her expertise, build her personal brand, and light the fire that ultimately landed her the only remote job she 'applied' to. Applied is in quotes because technically Kelly didn't apply!

She networked directly with the hiring manager and received an offer for a position that wasn't even listed online. She was able to do this because she executed a strategy that Jordan recommended to really stand out, gain referrals at the organization, and become a candidate that to this day her hiring manager speaks highly of. She's a big believer in investing in herself and recommends others in the same situation to consider making the best decision for themselves by finding a coach like Jordan.

Kelly says she would have "invested in this course 12 times over" and regrets not talking to Jordan sooner. She didn't even complete the whole program because the one company they targeted together was the company she received an immediate invitation to interview with, and ultimately the offer.

Note: While many students of The Remote Job Coach have success in their job searches, individual results may vary. It is ultimately up to the individual to work hard to obtain their results with guidance from Jordan.

Set up a Free Remote Job Strategy Session here to see if it's a good fit to work with The Remote Job Coach:


Getting Too Many Remote Interviews as a One of a Kind Applicant [Case Study]


"Should I Wait Until the New Year to Start My Job Search Again?"