3 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Find the Best Remote Work Opportunities


Finding Remote Work Opportunities With LinkedIn

Not all is lost for remote job seekers during this time!

This is the time to lean into this challenge.

To use it as fuel.

To leverage this situation as motivation to change your life in a way you CHOOSE.

Why is that so powerful?

Because it gives us something we CAN choose to control, even in the midst of so much calamity and chaos.

What CAN you do in this time to Find Remote Work Opportunities on Linkedin:

1. Establish your personal brand

  • Become visible by publishing valuable, relevant content

  • Search and follow hashtags to engage in conversations

  • Share your opinions and expertise before you "need" a job

2. Invest time building relationships

  • Connect with individuals in the companies you like

  • Practice empathy and find personal ties or introductions

  • Find ways to provide value first, not an ask

3. Join relevant LinkedIn groups

  • Find communities with similar interests and skills

  • Find remote specific groups and learn from others

  • Engage in the groups, share ideas, information, and intros

Need Help with Your LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is your most valuable tool in your remote job search. It's where you can find jobs, network, create content, engage, and show off your experience. Your LinkedIn is your ‘landing page’ for employers, potential collaborators, and recruiters, and it's no secret: they are all looking at it! If you need help to not only up-level your LinkedIn, but also get hiring managers to message YOU on LinkedIn, like one of my clients below, set up a remote job strategy session! I help high performers like you learn the exact process to send messages that get attention.

Connecting on Linkedin

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