7 Recruiters Messaged Her in 24 Hours [Here's Why]

"4 recruiters messaged me yesterday, 3 today before 9 am - is this normal?"

A client posed this question with an accompanying screenshot of her overflowing inbox.

4 recruiters reached out to my client yesterday and 3 more this morning.png

Beyond the 24 hour span of 7 recruiters reaching out, she got so many she couldn't keep up.

Just two weeks prior, she was getting 0 messages, and completely naive to the power of LinkedIn.


She was private, didn't connect with anyone she didn't know and paid little attention to optimization. Her experience wasn't updated, her headline was her role and company, and she had a generic "about" section.


She added keywords from job listings into her headline, crafted a banner that tied together her "personal brand," and stitched together a story in her "about." She filled out her experience with metrics and started interacting.

Then the floodgates opened

She ended up applying to 0 jobs, yet received interview requests daily, ultimately landing a remote job she's thrilled with.

But forget about the tactics for a second.

Her most important shift was just believing in herself and that investing time into LinkedIn would pay off.

Don't take this platform for granted.

When used correctly, it can help get you where you want to go.

Change your mindset, change your action, and watch the results happen.

How does your LinkedIn stack up? I've compiled an easily digestible LinkedIn training playlist for remote job seekers. Find it below:


How to Write a Great LinkedIn Headline for Job Seekers


What if all your relationships & friendships only lasted a couple of months?⠀