How to Apply to Competitive Remote Jobs

Jordan drinks a lime drink

Stop mind-f**king yourself when you see hundreds of people applied for a job you’re interested in.

You’re never competing against all of them!
Let’s say 100 people apply for a job.

It's reasonable to think ~70 are axed from the Applicant Tracking System.

According to Careersidekick, out of the 30% left, only about 6-10 will be interviewed.

2-4 go into the final stages.

One gets the job.

But because so many job seekers focus on the number 100, they create a mindset of scarcity and failure.

In the early stages, you just need to be in the top 5-10%.

And, many of the applications submitted are s**t:

They’re non-personalized blasts done hastily, often missing cover letters, and void of the qualifications necessary to do the job (if you’re hiring for positions, I’d love to hear your perspective).

So, when you see 100s of applicants for a job listing, don't freak out...

1) Think outside the box. Come up with a strategy that helps you stand out instead of blend in with 90% of the applicants. Be creative in how you submit your app.

2) Find a referral or an internal sponsor. You can "skip the line" and a lot of the BS that comes with the ATS when you build an insider relationship.

Take it one step at a time.

And remember: you're never competing against everyone.

To get help with your strategy that helps you learn a unique application process and receive help on becoming successful in your search, set up a free remote job strategy session.

It's a no-obligation, session, but it is reserved for those committed to finding a new way to do things.

Schedule below:


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