The "Superpower" That Helps You Land a Remote Job


I don’t brag enough about my clients and how awesome they are to work with.

One thing I’ve noticed about the most successful ones is that they all have a “superpower.”

What is it?


As humans, our egos do a great job of convincing us we should do things alone.
​We love to work in our silos, grind the gears, and pound the pavement… all with the intention of claiming solo victories that could’ve been done in half the time with assistance.

While hustle is something to be admired, what about efficiency?

“Work smarter, not harder”

Learning to ask for help is one of life’s greatest gifts.

Not only do you learn to get out of your own way, but by obtaining new perspectives, you open up doors of possibilities you never knew existed.

When it comes to a remote job search, we NEVER learned how to do it properly!

  • If you’re fumbling around wondering what to do every time you open your computer…

  • If you’re haphazardly sending out LinkedIn connection requests and messages…

  • If you’re blasting out applications you’re qualified for but not getting responses…

Or you’re just tired of not having ANY feedback to let you know which direction to go…

It may be time to ask for help

If you’re a high performer who’s ready to start taking your remote job search seriously, to learn a system that works, and receive guidance to help you become successful, set up a strategy session below.

The first step is a conversation to see if it's a good fit. It's a no-obligation, free session. But it is reserved for those committed to asking for help.

Schedule below:


How to Apply to Competitive Remote Jobs


How To Create a Personal Organization System to Increase Your Productivity